A Letter To Albo and the ALP

(from a disgruntled working class Australian born male who has not only been following politics closely since the mid-1980s, but casted his primary vote for Labor candidates at every election since 1987)

Please please PLEASE… enough with the RHETORIC!! Seriously, are you lot so blind that you can’t see the things you’re doing right now are what caused you to lose the last three elections? Are you so inept and out of touch with reality that you haven’t recognised the same shitshow which the Liberal-National Coalition are performing today is the one that got them over the line against Kevin Rudd in 2013, then Bill Shorten in 2016 and 2019?

Labor need to do a much more complete job of describing to Australia’s voting public how candidates from Liberals, Nationals and other Conservative-leaning parties

(i) are the ones who have had eight years to make the country a better place for everyone yet have failed by any measure,

(ii) do not have any policies which could help provide a better life for those who are struggling,

(iii) have no understanding of or consideration for climate change in any respect, and

(iv) are demonstrably no longer fit to decide the course of the nation’s future.

What’s painfully obvious to even the most casual spectator, but seemingly not in any way recognised by anyone within the ALP’s media staff, is that the public en masse are fed up to the eye teeth of hearing politicians promise us the world prior to polling day only to then see those promises not kept once the winners are sworn in. Labor need to instead focus every waking moment on broadcasting all available documentary evidence of the LNP’s fiscal mismanagement, their corruption scandals, their capitalist pork-barreling failures and their abhorrently overt disdain for working class Australians.

Simply put, Labor need to concentrate their campaign 100% on explaining why the LNP no longer deserves the right to govern.
Policy announcements and rhetoric such as “Labor will be a better government because we’ll do this, this and this!” only serve to provide the right wing media and the Coalition with cannon fodder. It’s about time the Australian Labor Party started flinging a whole lot more of that ‘shit’ back at the Morrison Government, or else you can expect to spend another three years on the Opposition benches writing poems about
“What if…?”!

Here endeth the lesson.

With thanks to Hairy…™

More About The Orange Faced Shitcunt

There’s two things which I can’t understand:

1. Why is Donald J Trump leader of a political party when he does not have a place in Congress or hold any seat of public office?
2. What power or control do those loyal to him believe he has which would force them to do his bidding in fear of reprisals from the man himself?

Seriously, if Trump came up to me and demanded I do some completely ridiculous thing for him, I’d
(a) tell him to go fuck himself, and
(b) demand he either make me do it himself or send his goons around to try and make me.

Those sucking Trump’s cock are obviously doing so because he has something on them which could either send them to jail or see them lose millions of dollars. Why do I believe that? Because if you weren’t ever in any way corrupt or criminal and the cunt offered You money to do something for him, knowing what the world knows about his history would you trust him to pay up? I fucken bet you wouldn’t!

With Thanks to Hairy…

Gonzo Gladys the Ugly Hag Bitch

In all the decisions I have ever made as a Minister, or as Premier of NSW my first consideration has always been the wellbeing and welfare of the people of this state” – Gladys Berejiklian, 01/10/21.

If that’s true, why did she in March 2020 allow a cruise liner filled with people to disperse into the countryside without proper testing and quarantine measures those passengers who were displaying symptoms of a deadly virus she had already been given a briefing about two months earlier?
Why are there still people today struggling to deal with the aftermath of a bushfire season which decimated over 50% of the state almost two years ago?
How were ferries that could not fit under bridges on the Parramatta River, and passenger trains which could not fit through the state’s railway tunnels, purchased by her government?
Why was a light rail service announced as costing less than $1 billion to build, yet on opening day we were told the total cost was $3.2 billion?
How is it that emergency services workers, nurses, hospital staff, public school teachers, train drivers and other public servants are still fighting desperately to be paid decent wages, all while the salaries of politicians have exponentially increased to extraordinary levels?

Nowhere on earth is there a job role which requires such miniscule levels of intelligence, common decency and consideration of others than that of a politician. Governments need to be a group of intelligent individuals focused on prosperity for ALL citizens. Instead we have seen party infighting, incompetence, secrecy, powerlust and corruption from delusional right wing evangelical lunatics turn both New South Wales and the entire country of Australia into a complete fucken shitshow, purely because Conservatism is all about self interest and personal gain for only the chosen few.

Member for Wagga Wagga Daryl Maguire had been describing to Berejiklian the corrupt activities he was taking part in, yet on several occasions since she has lied or deflected questions about her personal integrity with respect to those conversations. As Premier, it was her Constitutional responsibility to ensure the individuals involved in such activities are removed from office and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Her first bad decision was to involve herself romantically with a married man, but to follow that by refusing to immediately report the unscrupulous and criminal nature of Mr Maguire’s business dealings was beyond disgraceful. To all of that I say, serve herself right for letting her lonely heart rule her even more vacuous rough fucken head, because until people actually see Berejiklian for the lying selfish insolent corrupt sack of shit she is we’ll keep on hearing complete bullshit about how good she certainly wasn’t.

Every bad thing said about the Berejiklian Government since Gonzo The Fucken Gronk became Premier is 100% deserved. She knew about Maguire’s indiscretions yet did not immediately let authorities know, nor did she demand Maguire tender his resignation until the Independent Commission Against Corruption on their own put two and two together. She has lied to the people of NSW on more than one occasion during her tenure, treated public servants with contempt and ruled over citizens like a fucken prison warden. There is no better place for her than anywhere she can never have influence on public policy again. Over the past ten years the NSW LNP may have built Sydney into the country’s number one city, but at the same time their corruption and fiscal mismanagement have turned NSW into one of the most regulated, overtaxed states in the western world. Meanwhile small business owners, public education, the healthcare system and other essential government services across the state have seen eight million people struggle to survive what can only be described as Draconian tyranny.

My resignation could not come at a worse time
Well Gladys, give us more of your bullshit deflections to this question…
If the Berejiklian government have been doing such a ‘fantastic job’, why are the people of NSW suffering through, in your own words, “a worse time“?

Good riddance, you fucken ugly bitch.

With thanks to Hairy fkn…