Response to Simon Chapman

Mr. Chapman,
You again present yourself as someone who does not accept the intelligence and life experiences of others. On platforms such as ‘Twitter’ (or ‘X’ as it is now known) you have a verifiable penchant for silencing anyone who opposes your beliefs to any degree, even when the evidence you provide in support of your outrageously nonsensical rhetoric has been soundly debunked and while you have NO personal experience whatsoever of the subject being discussed.
Is every food item you consume flavourless and bland? I would suggest No. I have also never seen or read your responses to the following two questions:
1. Have you at any time in your life been a regular consumer of tobacco cigarettes?
2. Have you at any time in your life been a regular user of an electronic cigarette or ‘vape’ of any kind?

With high confidence that your answer to either question would be NO, I hereby demand that you stay out of a debate which ultimately does not concern you. Those within the circle jerk elitist snob self-entitled tight-ass club (such as yourself) care nought for anything except enforcement of rules and regulations for everyone except themselves, while having no place in social issues that are only of interest when the money starts to dry up.
You mention a discussion paper released by the Flavoring and Extracts Manufacturing Association (FEMA). With that in mind, what do you make of products available from here:
namely a ‘scented pod’ placed on the nozzle of a water bottle to give the user the experience of drinking flavoured water without them needing to physically add any level of flavouring compound to the water itself?
Pretty much EVERY ITEM on a supermarket shelf contains some level of ‘flavouring’ or ‘scent’, so why is it perfectly okay for ‘big pharma’ corporation Johnson & Johnson to sell their ‘Quickmist’ NRT products in plain sight from supermarket shelves whilst TGA Regulations exist to prohibit the sale of liquid nicotine? Come on smart ass! Give us a qualified answer to THAT one!

If you’re as good at your ‘job’ as you claim, why are you refusing to publicly debate Dr. Colin Mendelsohn about the issue of electronic cigarettes and vaping? Your refusal to discuss those issues with him openly instead of “hiding behind a keyboard” proves you are not only a weak-minded charlatan but also not in possession of any modicum of ‘common sense’. I myself would heartily accept an invitation to be part of the audience at the event should it ever occur, with a promise to tear to shreds every point of view or argument you could possibly come up with. How would I do that? With VERIFIED AS ACCURATE DOCUMENTARY EVIDENCE, A LIFETIME OF EXPERIENCE, REAL WORLD COMMON SENSE AND HONEST TO GOODNESS LOGICAL THINKING!

As for me knowing the difference between drinking something and inhaling it? I am a 54 years old trades qualified business owner. After smoking tobacco cigarettes for 36 years and vaping for almost seven years I am acutely aware that there are a ridiculously high number of imbeciles like yourself and your fellowes who use unqualified, discredited data and twist it in such ways to suit the narrative of conservative and evangelical extremists. Stooges like yourself don’t even know the difference between vapour and smoke, yet you demand that I accept your puerile explanation of a lifestyle choice that you yourself have NEVER PERSONALLY EXPERIENCED?

You speak of “concentrations”, “toxicology” and the dangers of overdosing, yet you refuse to accept that EDUCATED people who are using properly manufactured devices to consume liquid nicotine are actually ingesting lower mg/ml quantities of the compound than they would ingest from smoking tobacco cigarettes! When pretty much EVERY DOCTOR AND SCIENTIST ON THE PLANET (except you) AGREES THAT NICOTINE IS HARMLESS TO HUMANS WHEN CONSUMED IN SMALL DOSES, I ask you What ever happened to the old adage “Everything in moderation”? Get this into your THICK ONE-DIMENSIONAL HEAD: nicotine is NOT a carcinogen at ANY concentration, whether it is swallowed (from chewing tobacco) or inhaled as a component of a flavoured vapour! People get cancer from smoking tobacco cigarettes NOT because they contain nicotine but wholly due to the presence of at least 100 other chemicals that ARE carcinogenic!

As for proper nicotine vaping I’ve got $1000 in my pocket that says you’ve never researched the differences between disposable vapes and ‘open system’ vape devices. You’re like a back seat passenger in a Melbourne taxi trying to tell the driver how to operate the vehicle and navigate the roads around Carlton when you’ve NEVER
(a) sat behind the wheel of a car let alone driven one,
(b) been to Victoria in person, or
(c) even seen a map of the place at any time in your entire life!

Then we come to the most ridiculous claim that anti-vapers makeā€¦
“Vaping leads to smoking”.
Your response to my first submission to your ‘blog infers that you actually read it, so I cordially invite you to read the following below and accept it as an inherent truth:
A person addicted to sugar will NOT EVER stop eating $5 jelly beans and start eating $50 sugar coated dogshit sticks.
Seriously Simon, if you’re so clever, respected and highly educated put your knowledge to the ultimate test by accepting Dr. Mendelsohn’s challenge to debate in a public space the subject of nicotine vaping. If you’re unwilling to do so then crawl back under your bridge and STOP contributing to the detriment of both the physical and mental health of Australians who are sick to death of being persecuted by arrogant well-to-do bureaucrats like yourself, simply because we’ve made life choices which you asshats either don’t agree with or reduce the amount of revenue you collect. We don’t come into Your workplaces or living rooms and tell you how to live, so do us all a favour and concentrate on YOURSELF instead of telling folks (none of whom you would know from a bar of soap) what’s best to consume and how to consume it.
STOP TELLING PEOPLE HOW TO LIVE THEIR LIVES!!! We don’t come up to you from nowhere and tell You what to do, so LEAVE US THE F*** ALONE!!!